Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hyams Beach - a Dummy Free Zone

We checked out the map and found a lovely little town, called Hyams Beach, not far from Greenpatch. Jane tracked down a great old beach shack which we booked for the week. Ahhhh – hot showers, washing machines, beds and TV.

For quite a while Jane and I had been appalled by our kids’ ongoing love affair with dummies. Dirty, gross, annoying little things (but occasionally very useful) – it was time for them to go.

We checked with the local bush gnomes who told us the Dummy Fairies visited every 2nd night and took away dummies from the older kids for the newborn babies and left treats in their place. The kids were very excited by this news and eagerly left them out. Free from dummies at last!

When the kids hiked up into the bush the next morning to collect their treats, two huge grey kangaroos were there to greet them.

Had a lovely pancake breakfast down on the local BBQ overlooking Jervis Bay - 2nd best breakfast ever!

Two weeks later we were still there.

Love from the Darvall menagerie

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