Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pa Pud and Grandma Linda come to visit

Pa Pud and Grandma Linda came to visit the other day. A great time was had by all – the kids were particularly excited. Living in the country (but still only 3 hours from Melbourne) has attracted a fine collection of overnight visitors which has been great. Whereas in Melbourne friends and family would drop around for an hour or two and maybe stay for dinner, we get a better quality of visitor up here.

After a boozy first night on the red wine, Dad, Ollie and I were up early to cut wood. Dad unsheathed “the beast” – his fabulous new Stihl “Forrest Mauler” chainsaw. A huge trailer load later and we were back neatly stacking in the wood pile. A very satisfying job – I might have to get one of those maulers.

That night we all settled in for an early night after all the strenuous activity. At 9.30pm mobile phones started ringing – cattle had escaped from Moorong (Dad’s farm on the Mornington Peninsula) and were rampaging through the cemetery. Dad and Linda quickly decamped and headed for Flinders – an almost 5 hour drive.

Love from the Lumberjacks

Ps. All’s well that ends well – Dad and Linda arrived at Flinders at 2.30am and at first light managed to get 2 cows and the large Angus Bull back onto the farm. No headstones were harmed in the making of this episode.

1 comment:

  1. Humm, it's really energetic for all of you and specially for kids. I know they love grand parents a lot and vice-versa. Also both you and Jen got some memories. Miss my family too....
