Monday, March 8, 2010

Ahhhh! Clean sheets

There’s nothing like a few days in the bush to make you appreciate clean sheets and hot water even more! We arrived in Hobart on Thursday morning from the wilds of the west coast and promptly booked into a motel in Sandy Bay. Luxury! Jane and the kids made a beeline for the bath while I went and collected coffees and hot cross buns.

Jane immediately put her “work clothes” on and got to showing her range of Red Rascal t-shirts (check out to a few inner-Hobart retailers. It appears the Hobartians have more taste than the folk of Penguin – she immediately got some sales and requests for more showings the next day. You beauty!

The next morning Jane was off selling again and we drove out of Hobart that arvo with the camping coffers full. We were headed for the Bay of Fires on the North East coast, recently rated as the 2nd best camping spot in the world by Conde Naste traveller (apparently Elsternwick is No. 1), trying to beat the long weekend traffic.

Love from Jane, Toby, Ella, Ollie and Hendrix

Ps. Cute photo of the twins holding hands asleep in clean sheets
pps Stopped at dodgey camping shop to get more water jerry cans - I hate paying full retail - particularly when you know the exorbitant mark up

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