Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New friends in Paradise

“I absolutely love this spot”, Jane said today summing up how we both felt about Tidal River. The parks office told us today that every long weekend and major public holiday is booked out a year in advance – we’re not surprised – this place is paradise. You meet some great people (and some dodgies!) when you’re camping with plenty of time to chat. Yesterday we met a very interesting and friendly family staying in the cabin next to us - Emma and Damian and their little daughter Ashleigh. Our kids immediately bonded and had a fantastic time together. Emma is originally from the French Island of Reunion (near Mauritius) and Damian, an Osteopath, has 2 clinics in Thornbury and Fitzroy. Went spear fishing from the kayak this arvo – Victorian fish are smarter than their Tasmanian cousins (ie. I got nothing). Love from the Darvalls

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